Get involved


We are a charity run Pre-school and as such we rely on fundraising in order to offer the best experience to our children. While fees cover staff wages, insurance, and the day to day running costs of the Pre-school, our fundraising enables us to provide all of the extras like buying resources, replacing equipment, parties, subsidising outings – everything that makes our setting a wonderful place to come. We rely on the help and support of parent/carers to raise vital funds for the pre-school. We love thinking of new, fun events for fundraising and you will be advised of these by regular newsletters.


The Pre-school is voluntary controlled and run by a committee.  The committee is made up of elected members who are usually parents/carers of children at the pre-school, but do not necessarily have to be. The committee needs to have at least five members, three of which must hold the office of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. You do not need to have a profession to become a member of the committee, just have a general interest and enthusiasm to get involved. Meetings are held once a month.


Please see our parent/carer notice boards for present Committee Members names, and dates of the next meetings. If you would like to become a committee member please contact the school office by email at .

To read full job descriptions for committee members click here.